Coq au vin

The Coq proof assistant and the Curry-Howard correspondence

Juan Pedro Villa-Isaza
jvillais (at) eafit (dot) edu (dot) co

June 8, 2011


The Coq proof assistant is a formal proof management system that is based on the Curry-Howard (propositions-as-types, formulas-as-types, proofs-as-programs) correspondence. Coq au vin (literally, “cock in wine”) analyzes some aspects of this correspondence (propositional logic, predicate logic, and proof irrelevance) and provides some examples of “proofs viewed as programs.” In addition, it compares Coq with the Agda proof assistant through the Curry-Howard correspondence.

For more information, see coqav.pdf and coqav-slides.pdf
For the source code, download src.tar.gz

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