-- Lexicographic induction on the natural numbers

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split    #-}
{-# OPTIONS --guardedness    #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-sized-types #-}
{-# OPTIONS --safe           #-}
{-# OPTIONS --warning=all    #-}
{-# OPTIONS --warning=error  #-}
{-# OPTIONS --without-K      #-}

module Extra.Data.Nat.Induction.Lexicographic where

open import Data.Nat renaming (suc to succ)
open import Data.Product


infix 4 _<′₂_

-- Lexicograhic order
data _<′₂_ :  ×    ×   Set where
  <′₂-x :  {x y x' y'}  x <′ x'  (x , y) <′₂ (x' , y')
  <′₂-y :  {x y y'}  y <′ y'  (x , y) <′₂ (x , y')

-- Lexicographic induction
<′₂-ind : (P :     Set) 
          (∀ m n  (∀ m' n'  (m' , n') <′₂ (m , n)  P m' n')  P m n) 
           m n  P m n
<′₂-ind P h m n = h m n (helper m n)
  helper :  a b a' b'  (a' , b') <′₂ (a , b)  P a' b'
  helper zero b zero b' (<′₂-x ())
  helper zero zero zero b' (<′₂-y ())
  helper zero (succ b) zero .b (<′₂-y ≤′-refl) = h zero b (helper zero b)
  helper zero (succ b) zero zero (<′₂-y (≤′-step x)) = helper zero b zero zero (<′₂-y x)
  helper zero (succ b) zero (succ b') (<′₂-y (≤′-step x)) = helper zero b zero (succ b') (<′₂-y x)
  helper (succ .0) b zero b' (<′₂-x ≤′-refl) = h zero b' (helper zero b')
  helper (succ a) b zero b' (<′₂-x (≤′-step x)) = helper a b zero b' (<′₂-x x)
  helper zero b (succ a') b' (<′₂-x ())
  helper (succ .(succ a')) b (succ a') b' (<′₂-x ≤′-refl) = h (succ a') b' (helper (succ a') b')
  helper (succ a) b (succ a') b' (<′₂-x (≤′-step x)) = helper a b (succ a') b' (<′₂-x x)
  helper (succ a) .(succ b') (succ .a) b' (<′₂-y ≤′-refl) = h (succ a) b' (helper (succ a) b')
  helper (succ a) .(succ n₁) (succ .a) b' (<′₂-y (≤′-step {n₁} x)) = helper (succ a) n₁ (succ a) b' (<′₂-y x)